


スカイビュー sky view


It is a share house built in downtown Tokyo,Kyojima,Originaly,a factory with a residence was built in Sumida Ward,with a factory on the first floor and a house on the second floor,but 10 years have passed since the factory was closed,and construction of welfare facilities,apartment houses,accommodation facilities,etc.As a result of considering,after many twists and turns,the plan started as a share house.

北側外観 North side appearance
外観 夜景 Exterior night view
1階共用部 思い思いの場所で仕事や勉強 1st floor common. space.study and work wherever they like
4階共用部 スカイツリーが見えます 4th floor common space.You can see Sky tree 
居室 畳敷きの小上がりはベッドにもくつろぎのスペースにもなる KOAGARI of tatami mats in the living room can be used as a bed or arelaxing space
ゆらゆら揺れながら眺めるハンギングチェアからの眺め View from the hanging chair while swaying is the best
絶景のジャグジー 東京タワーとスカイツリーが見える Superb view of Jacuzzi Tokyo Tower and Sky Tree
洗面スペースは、明るくゆったり The wash space is bright and spacious
機能的で使いやすいオリジナルキッチン Functional and easy-to-use original kitchen
カウンターでは朝食を食べたり、寿司を握ったり Eat breakfast or grab sushi at the counter
椅子付のシャワーが4か所あるのでゆったりできます There are 4 showers with chairs you can relax
1・2階平面図 Floor plan on the 1st and 2nd floors
3・4階平面図 Floor plan on the 3rd and 4th floors